I rename m’y iPhone 15 pro max KrakenAndroid for the hotspot.
Use m’y iPad Air to connect to Raspberry pi hotspot krakensdr and I run KrakenSDR RDF from the iPad.
I create a collection file and start collecting, I get a bearing but it stop after about 3 minutes and the raspberry pi led go red.
I have to reboot to start again.
How could I fix to stop after 3 minutes?
I know location from the signal I am tracking,it show the at 180 degrees from the real location, could it be because the SN: are not in the good order?
Could I change the SN: to the correct order in the terminal?
The result of kraken_test
krakenrf@krakensdr: ~/krakensdr_doa
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM usb_claim_interface error -6
Failed to open rtlsdr device #0. krakenrf@krakensdr:~/krakensdr_doa
I don’t recall this numbering (device 0 SN 1004 etc.) and was surprised recently when I saw it.
There are a number of other reports in this forum (eg this recent one) that device 0 is SN 1000 which is what I expected and maybe hallucinated that I recalled seeing in prior runs of rtl_test (and kraken_test).
Did something change regarding this not-mattering serial enumeration or has it always been this way?
On the RPI 5 when I did a rtl_test from my hardware the order was , with error -6
I am on the assumption to function properly the setting should be Is that correct?
So I connected the hardware to my windows 10 and use rtl_sdr (windows) to rename (device 0 from SN 1004 to 0010 then 1000) because i was changing 5 SDR or connection .
Could the setting explain when is was driving I had 180 offset on my know transmitter?
It’s always been this way for the Kraken. The reason is that when redesigning from the Kerberos to Kraken the extra receiver was added onto the end of the USB hub, and the way it had to be routed on the board meant that receiver 0 is 1004.