What is the difference between 'Log everything' and 'Hold bearing at low speed'

I am trying to understand the difference in logging behavior between these two logging options. We have an intermittent interference issue. Normally we will park at a starting point and wait. I am trying to minimize the amount of fiddling I need to do when an intermittent signal finally appears, and I start off driving.


Log everything - continuously logs all data without pause

Hold heading at low speed - still continuously logs, but when movement has stopped the heading value will be locked to the last good value from when you were moving. This stops the heading from going in random directions when stopped because GPS requires movement in order to calculate a heading.

Pause at low speed - Stop logging data when movement has stopped. Data while stopped might not be relevant because you’re logging the same data over and over. At the same time the heading reading could be bogus so you don’t want to log anyway. But this also stops the lobes in the UI from updating when paused.

So if I drive to a good vantage point I would have logging on while driving because why not, but what is the best approach for sitting at the vantage point waiting for a signal?

Gps heading will be worse than useless, but I cant circle for hours. There may not even be room to circle in.


Not sure if you have seen the posting from Carl that explains the various settings:


March 8

Log everything - continuously logs all data without pause

Hold heading at low speed - still continuously logs, but when movement has stopped the heading value will be locked to the last good value from when you were moving. This stops the heading from going in random directions when stopped because GPS requires movement in order to calculate a heading.

Pause at low speed - Stop logging data when movement has stopped. Data while stopped might not be relevant because you’re logging the same data over and over. At the same time the heading reading could be bogus so you don’t want to log anyway. But this also stops the lobes in the UI from updating when paused.

What this practically means for you is that you probably want to set “Hold heading at low speed” as you drive to your vantage point. This will lock in your orientation to the last direction you moving when you stopped (parked) at you vantage point. I would try to avoid a turn just as you stop. I try to roll into my stopping position in a straight line, typically on the side of the road in the direction of travel. Then wait for the target signal. My personal opinion is that “Log everything” is only really useful for fixed installations.

dpk’s rely explains everything well. The alternative is to simply set a manual heading and coordinates at your waiting spot.

Ok. Thanks! Its a bit different from manual beam techniques. Kinda similar to the continuously spinning yagi N0MKJ and i used to hunt with, except i had to eyeball integrate the bearings plotted on the storage scope and clear the data if someone other than the bad guy was transmitting.

I would ask though for a pendant switch to enable logging. The kraken assumes any signal is the target and especially with more than one bad guy, I want to chose what signals the kraken is using. The screen button is ok, but one hand is reserved for driving, one for holding the phone, and with your third hand press the button… :slight_smile:

Much easier with the steering wheel in left hand and pendant button in right hand and phone mounted securely.

Ive tried hitting screen buttons with the phone mounted. Any road bumps, plus the mass of your arm, and you oscillate an inch or so vertically.