VirtualBox Image Ethernet Connection Failed Error Help

I have been trying to use the pre-made gnuradio programs provided on the Ubuntu VirtualBox images found here: KrakenSDR Images - Google Drive
using the October 2024 image. I’ve gone through the setup given on the page : sdr-beamforming/Toolbox/KrakenSDR/ at main · ADolbyB/sdr-beamforming · GitHub under the " Notes on the Preconfigured VirtualBox VM". However, when I try to run gnuradio code with the krakenSDR source block, or the pre-installed kraken_music_doa gnuradio program, I get the error: "Ethernet Connection Failed, Error : <class ‘ConnectionRefusedError’>. I haven’t been able to find anything about this, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Are you running heimdall_daq on the same machine?