Ubuntu + GNURadio Install

Hi, new user here. Just trying to figure out how to setup to simply stream in GNURadio from Kraken SDR with Ubuntu.

  1. Ran the x86 64 bit install scripts:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krakenrf/krakensdr_docs/main/install_scripts/krakensdr_x86_install_doa.sh
sudo chmod +x krakensdr_x86_install_doa.sh
  1. Installed gr-krakensdr
sudo apt-get install gnuradio-dev cmake libspdlog-dev clang-format

git clone https://github.com/krakenrf/gr-krakensdr

cd gr-krakensdr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
  1. Followed gr-krakensdr instructions:
    In the heimdall_daq_fw folder edit your Firmware/daq_chain_config.ini file and change out_data_iface_type to eth.
out_data_iface_type = eth

What am I missing? Running ./kraken_doa_start.sh gives me a constant stream of “WARN:Ports used by the DAQ chain are not free! (5000 & 5001)” i.e.

Shut down DAQ chain ..
Config file check bypassed [ WARNING ]
kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us = -1
WARN:Ports used by the DAQ chain are not free! (5000 & 5001)
Shut down DAQ chain ..
WARN:Ports used by the DAQ chain are not free! (5000 & 5001)
Shut down DAQ chain ..
WARN:Ports used by the DAQ chain are not free! (5000 & 5001)
Shut down DAQ chain ..

However running lsof -i :5000 and lsof -i :5001 says those ports are not being used.

Running the super simple GNURadio block to test and nothing pops up

Screenshot from 2023-12-11 01-21-58

Any suggestions what I’m missing or what I should try? Thanks

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If you’re connecting to GNU Radio, make sure you are following the right instructions. GitHub - krakenrf/gr-krakensdr

Make sure you are running ./heimdall_only_start.sh, not ./kraken_doa_start.sh as the latter will also start the Python DOA code which you do not want running.

working with Krakensdr using gnu radio is important and need to be more explained for beginners (like my self). im also facing problems

What problems are you having?

im trying to use krakensdr on an x86 device via ubuntu. I tried my best following the instructions (im a beginner in these fields) but when I execute any example flow graph on gnu radio I get the following error and gnu radio crashes.

I fixed it. The main issue was that the krakensdr root directory is krakensdr_doa not krakensdr

Thank you, yes that was certainly a problem. However still running ./heimdall_only_start.sh still gives me the same error:

~/krakensdr_doa$ ./heimdall_only_start.sh
Shut down DAQ chain …
[sudo] password for kraken:
Config file check bypassed [ WARNING ]
kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us = -1
WARN:Ports used by the DAQ chain are not free! (5000 & 5001)
Shut down DAQ chain …
WARN:Ports used by the DAQ chain are not free! (5000 & 5001)
Shut down DAQ chain …

Did you run kraken_doa_start at some point before? It seems like the Kraken software stack is still running from a prior run which is why the ports are in use.

You’ll need to shut it down first with kraken_doa_stop, or just restart your PC (assuming you haven’t done anything to make the software autostart).

Yeah I thought it might be that but I tried restarting the PC and still got the error after runnning just heimdall_only_start.sh

Then there must be some other software using the same ports running on your PC. Can you try:

netstat -ano | grep 5001
netstat -ano | grep 5000

This should show you what program is using these ports.