I am new to KrakenSDR and trying to just do some basic setup on the workbench to validate everything before moving to mobile testing.
It works… but after a few minutes somethings breaks and i have to restart the service for it to work again…
- Nvidia Jetson Orin 8GB (Wall Power)
- 5v 3A USB Power to Kraken (Wall Power)
- High Quality/Short USB Cables
- Kraken Data-USB is plugged directly into the Jetson
echo 0 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb
to remove restrictions on usbfs memory- Only ~3 of 7gb of ram is being used, CPU is nowhere close to risk of full use
- KrakenToTAK Broadcasting successfully to TAK Server running locally
- “Advanced Setup” with
to all remote access/config changes
I start the service with ./kraken_doa_start.sh… after a few seconds it loads up and almost immediately locks onto the signal in the settings. It broadcasts to TAK and the Kraken Iphone/Android apps.
After i leave it running for maybe 5 minutes, i lose the signal and see this change in the log file ~/krakensdr_doa/heimdall_daq_fw/Firmware/_logs
INFO:__main__:IQ adjustment vector: abs:[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
INFO:__main__:IQ adjustment vector: phase:[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
INFO:__main__:Antenna channles 5
INFO:__main__:IQ samples per channel 1048576
INFO:__main__:Delay synchronizer initialized
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/3]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/7]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/55]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/56]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/62]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/68]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/75]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/81]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/87]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/88]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/94]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/100]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/106]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/112]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/118]
INFO:__main__:Updating IQ correction values
INFO:__main__:Amplitude differences: [0.00 -0.11 -0.31 -0.10 -0.17]
INFO:__main__:Phase differernces: [-0.00 -64.28 36.83 23.60 42.79]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,1/119]
******************* ... LOGS REPEAT GOOD STATE UNTIL THE NEXT LINE ...... **********************
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,1/2878]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][1,1,1/2884]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][2,1,1/2885]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][3,1,1/2886]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][4,1,1/2887]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][5,1,1/2888]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][6,1,1/2889]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][7,1,1/2890]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][8,1,1/2891]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][9,1,1/2892]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2893]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2894]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.79, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2895]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.67, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2896]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.73, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2897]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.23, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2898]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2899]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.41, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2905]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 15.64, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2906]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 15.21, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2907]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.42, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2908]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.58, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2909]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.55, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2910]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.62, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2911]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 15.54, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2912]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.90, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2913]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 16.26, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2914]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.71, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2915]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 18.16, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2916]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 14.31, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2917]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2918]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.04, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2924]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.66, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2925]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2926]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.58, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2932]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.24, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2933]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.76, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2934]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.51, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2935]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.82, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2936]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.81, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2937]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.04, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2938]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.96, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2939]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2940]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.63, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2946]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.77, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2947]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.42, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2948]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.61, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2949]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 8.72, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2950]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2951]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.89, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2957]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.39, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2958]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 18.46, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2959]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.94, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2960]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.58, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2961]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.66, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2962]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 6.63, minimum: 20.00
If i stop the service with ./kraken_doa_stop.sh
and then start it back up, it will lock on immediately and work for a few minutes before falling into this error state in the logs again.
This is what the screen looks like when it falls into the error state, before this everything is green on the left hand side: