Signal Loss after a few minutes

I am new to KrakenSDR and trying to just do some basic setup on the workbench to validate everything before moving to mobile testing.

It works… but after a few minutes somethings breaks and i have to restart the service for it to work again…


  • Nvidia Jetson Orin 8GB (Wall Power)
  • 5v 3A USB Power to Kraken (Wall Power)
  • High Quality/Short USB Cables
  • Kraken Data-USB is plugged directly into the Jetson
  • echo 0 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb to remove restrictions on usbfs memory
  • Only ~3 of 7gb of ram is being used, CPU is nowhere close to risk of full use
  • KrakenToTAK Broadcasting successfully to TAK Server running locally
  • “Advanced Setup” with miniserve to all remote access/config changes

I start the service with ./… after a few seconds it loads up and almost immediately locks onto the signal in the settings. It broadcasts to TAK and the Kraken Iphone/Android apps.

After i leave it running for maybe 5 minutes, i lose the signal and see this change in the log file ~/krakensdr_doa/heimdall_daq_fw/Firmware/_logs:

INFO:__main__:IQ adjustment vector: abs:[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
INFO:__main__:IQ adjustment vector: phase:[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
INFO:__main__:Antenna channles 5
INFO:__main__:IQ samples per channel 1048576
INFO:__main__:Delay synchronizer initialized
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
WARNING:shmemIface:Shared memory not exist
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/3]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/7]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/55]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/56]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/62]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/68]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/75]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,0,0/81]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/87]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/88]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/94]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/100]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/106]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/112]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,0/118]
INFO:__main__:Updating IQ correction values
INFO:__main__:Amplitude differences: [0.00 -0.11 -0.31 -0.10 -0.17]
INFO:__main__:Phase differernces: [-0.00 -64.28 36.83 23.60 42.79]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,1/119]
******************* ... LOGS REPEAT GOOD STATE UNTIL THE NEXT LINE ...... **********************
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,1/2878]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][1,1,1/2884]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][2,1,1/2885]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][3,1,1/2886]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][4,1,1/2887]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][5,1,1/2888]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][6,1,1/2889]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][7,1,1/2890]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][8,1,1/2891]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][9,1,1/2892]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2893]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2894]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.79, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2895]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.67, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2896]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.73, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2897]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.23, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2898]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2899]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.41, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2905]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 15.64, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2906]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 15.21, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2907]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.42, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2908]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.58, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2909]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.55, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2910]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 13.62, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2911]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 15.54, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2912]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.90, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2913]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 16.26, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2914]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.71, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2915]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 18.16, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2916]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 14.31, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2917]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2918]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.04, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2924]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.66, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2925]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2926]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.58, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2932]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.24, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2933]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.76, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2934]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.51, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2935]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.82, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2936]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.81, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2937]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.04, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2938]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.96, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2939]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2940]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.63, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2946]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 10.77, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2947]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.42, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2948]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 12.61, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2949]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 8.72, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2950]
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2951]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.89, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2957]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 11.39, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2958]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 18.46, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2959]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.94, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2960]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 9.58, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2961]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 7.66, minimum: 20.00
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][10,1,1/2962]
WARNING:__main__:Correlation peak dynamic range is insufficient to perform calibration
WARNING:__main__:Real value: 6.63, minimum: 20.00

If i stop the service with ./ and then start it back up, it will lock on immediately and work for a few minutes before falling into this error state in the logs again.

This is what the screen looks like when it falls into the error state, before this everything is green on the left hand side:

Here is my antenna setup (would not let me post more than 1 image per post sorry).

It is just sitting on the floor next to my desk, i am not near any kind of crazy transmission source as far as i am aware (the closest thing i can think of is the wifi router on the other side of the room, behind drywall).

The signal i am tuned to is a Weather Station that is far away and comes in pretty grainy.

I have also successfully completed the Tuner Test and Power Supply Test , so i do not believe this is a hardware issue with the Kraken, Cables, or Power Supply.

Example test output from device 0 (all other devices showed same results, no packets lost)

Found 5 device(s):
  0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 1004
  1:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 1000
  2:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 1001
  3:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 1002
  4:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 1003

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T/2 tuner
Supported gain values (29): 0.0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6 
Sampling at 2048000 S/s.

Info: This tool will continuously read from the device, and report if
samples get lost. If you observe no further output, everything is fine.

Reading samples in async mode...
Allocating 15 (non-zero-copy) user-space buffers
Signal caught, exiting!

User cancel after 8435 buffers, exiting...
Samples per million lost (minimum): 0

I am able to reliably get it to crash at this EXACT log line every time regardless of what signal/settings i use (2877 total number of samples, note that when i ran the Tuner Test it was for ~8000 samples way over this number). This happens around 5min 20seconds of runtime from starting the Kraken doa script.

tail -f delay_sync.log 
INFO:__main__:Delay track statistic [sync fails ,sample, iq, total][0,1,1/2877]
WARNING:__main__:Sample sync may lost
WARNING:__main__:IQ sync may lost

If I use the stop script, then start it back up, it will reliably do this every time (note, i do not have to powercycle the hardware, just the start/stop script).

Here is also some more interesting logs from the ui which seem to indicate a memory leak:

tail -f ui.log 
INFO:kraken_web_interface:Inititalizing web interface 
INFO:kraken_web_interface:Web interface object initialized
INFO:kraken_web_interface:Config file found and read succesfully
INFO:kraken_sdr_receiver:CTR INIT Center freq: 162560000.0
INFO:kraken_sdr_receiver:Connection established
INFO:kraken_sdr_receiver:Reconfiguration succesfully finished
INFO:quart.serving:Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
gpsd Available
 * Serving Quart app 'maindash'
 * Environment: production
 * Please use an ASGI server (e.g. Hypercorn) directly in production
 * Debug mode: False
 * Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
[2025-01-12 11:39:19,676] Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
INFO:kraken_sdr_receiver:Reconfiguration succesfully finished
INFO:kraken_sdr_receiver:Reconfiguration succesfully finished
INFO:quart.serving: GET / 1.1 200 914 57312
[2025-01-12 11:39:26,351] GET / 1.1 200 914 57312
INFO:quart.serving: GET /assets/style.css 1.1 200 1309 10030
[2025-01-12 11:39:26,450] GET /assets/style.css 1.1 200 1309 10030
INFO:quart.serving: GET /_push 1.1 101 - 4388
[2025-01-12 11:39:26,511] GET /_push 1.1 101 - 4388
INFO:quart.serving: GET /assets/favicon.ico 1.1 - - 349
[2025-01-12 11:39:26,519] GET /assets/favicon.ico 1.1 - - 349
INFO:quart.serving: GET /assets/kraken_interface_bw.png 1.1 200 10001 9787
[2025-01-12 11:39:26,604] GET /assets/kraken_interface_bw.png 1.1 200 10001 9787
/home/tak/miniforge3/envs/kraken/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/signal/ BadCoefficients:

Badly conditioned filter coefficients (numerator): the results may be meaningless

INFO:quart.serving: GET /spectrum 1.1 200 914 5792
[2025-01-12 11:43:02,639] GET /spectrum 1.1 200 914 5792
INFO:quart.serving: GET /_push 1.1 101 - 3609
[2025-01-12 11:43:02,712] GET /_push 1.1 101 - 3609
INFO:quart.serving: GET /assets/favicon.ico 1.1 - - 308
[2025-01-12 11:43:02,719] GET /assets/favicon.ico 1.1 - - 308
INFO:quart.serving: GET /doa 1.1 200 914 3924
[2025-01-12 11:43:09,548] GET /doa 1.1 200 914 3924
INFO:quart.serving: GET /_push 1.1 101 - 4627
[2025-01-12 11:43:09,606] GET /_push 1.1 101 - 4627
INFO:quart.serving: GET /assets/favicon.ico 1.1 - - 216
[2025-01-12 11:43:09,613] GET /assets/favicon.ico 1.1 - - 216
INFO:quart.serving: GET /config 1.1 200 914 5998
[2025-01-12 11:43:14,928] GET /config 1.1 200 914 5998
INFO:quart.serving: GET /_push 1.1 101 - 3829
[2025-01-12 11:43:15,002] GET /_push 1.1 101 - 3829
INFO:kraken_sdr_receiver:Terminating.., signal: 255
ERROR:root:The data frame was lost while processing was active!
                            This might indicate issues with USB data cable or USB host,
                            inadequate power supply, overloaded CPU, wrong host OS settings, etc.
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tak/miniforge3/envs/kraken/lib/python3.9/", line 973, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/tak/krakensdr_doa/krakensdr_doa/_sdr/_signal_processing/", line 363, in run
    get_iq_failed = self.module_receiver.get_iq_online()
  File "/home/tak/krakensdr_doa/krakensdr_doa/_sdr/_receiver/", line 199, in get_iq_online
    active_buff_index = self.in_shmem_iface.wait_buff_free()
  File "/home/tak/krakensdr_doa/krakensdr_doa/_sdr/_receiver/", line 201, in wait_buff_free
    signal = self.read_fw_ctr_fifo()
  File "/home/tak/krakensdr_doa/krakensdr_doa/_sdr/_receiver/", line 216, in read_fw_ctr_fifo
    signal = unpack("B",, 1))[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 1 bytes
/home/tak/miniforge3/envs/kraken/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 2 leaked shared_memory objects to clean up at shutdown
  warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d '
/home/tak/miniforge3/envs/kraken/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: '/delay_sync_iq_B': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/delay_sync_iq_B'
  warnings.warn('resource_tracker: %r: %s' % (name, e))
/home/tak/miniforge3/envs/kraken/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: '/delay_sync_iq_A': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/delay_sync_iq_A'
  warnings.warn('resource_tracker: %r: %s' % (name, e))

So this appears to be happening exactly when the timer for the calibration test gets set off. The calibration test happens every ~5 minutes, and it’s a quick correlation check which turns the noise source on briefly.

I’ve seen this happen once before and the reason was that the power supply wasn’t able to handle the sudden inrush current demanded by turning the noise source on. But I’ve only ever seen this happen on one cheap power supply before.

So my first thought would be to see if you can try another Kraken power supply.

@krakenrf_carl thanks for the feedback, i will try a few more power supplies and battery pack as well.

Can you please provide more information on the USB-C PD spec in use?

What trigger voltages will the Kraken work with on a USB-C PD source, only the 5v or will also with with 9/12v trigger?


The KrakenSDR does not support 9V or 12V supply. It must be 5V. Are you able to use a bench power supply just to confirm the issue?

It did end up being the power supply… I switched to a USB Battery pack over USB-C and it is surviving the noise source being turned on roughly every 4min 55sec.

Can you please give some more insight into why this is “breaking” the Kraken DOA service? If i am able to stop and start the script without touching the hardware, i should be able to update the code to detect this condition and fix it in the same way that stopping and starting the service manually is doing?

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When the power spike occurs from the noise source, if the power supply can’t handle the spike it will cause the Kraken to briefly power off, which of course resets it on the USB.

I’m not exactly sure why this doesn’t happen to you during startup though.

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