Recording IQ data from 5 SMA to file


After reading the forums it seems a few people are trying to do the following

Recording raw 5 IQ channels to file. I have seen various responses from ‘use GNU radio’ to ‘use our custom acquisition software’. Is there any docs on the website? What is the best way to get going.

For example i gathered that Raspberry PI4 is probably not the way to go. I plan on installing the virtual box on a windows laptop. I also understand that I want to disable DOA

Any advice appreciated. I am a bit of a noob here. Please PM if consulting private is feasible.

There are several options.

  1. Install heimdall to a SBC like the Pi 4, then connect to it remotely over the network and make recordings using GNU Radio.

  2. Run heimdall and GNU Radio on a PC

  3. Using heimdall_iq_rec to record from the terminal GitHub - krakenrf/heimdall_iq_rec at development (Note that there is no documentation for this written yet).