Looks clean! I too (along with N8RDF) am wondering if it won’t get a bit floppy in the wind (freeway speeds). I had a 40M NVIS that would start oscillating so much that it would tap the hood of my truck. I stabilized it by adding an insulated column (mine was fiberglass, yours colud be PVC) and some para cord between the tip and the column. It didn’t prevent upswings, only downward movement. But that was enough to snuff the oscillations. Basically, make five triangles with your antenna arms as the long side, the insulator as the short side, and the para cords as each hypotenuse. Good luck and keep us posted.
I thought I had mentioned that going at highway speeds was fine on the mount itself in my article…
However, what I did not mention is that after driving around all day with the elements fully extended for much of that, they seemed to be bent a little due to the speeds but I was able to bend them back easily by collapsing the telescoping antenna and then reextending them. This fixed them.
Am thinking eventually I will replace the Kraken antennas with fixed length whips via bulkheads but am not sure it a shared ground will influence the patterns. It should be ok I would think