GPS troubles with KrakenSDR

I couldn’t find anything referencing the GPS support for the Kraken in the wiki, but I installed gpsd and gpsd-clients and configured them. I know it’s working and getting a 3D fix because cgps returns the live data and Kismet also has a 3D fix. Is this something that is fully baked in yet?

Probably just missing the gpsd-py3 Python interface to gpsd

conda activate kraken
pip3 install gpsd-py3

Then it should just work when you activate the GPS location mode in the web GUI.

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That did the trick. Thanks!

My gpsd daemon is configured correctly. $ cgps prints information as expected.

I have gpsd-py3 installed. Running the command prints
Requirement already satisfied: gpsd-py3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.3.0)

I have selected GPS as the source in the GUI, but not location information displays.

What GPS module do you have? It shows connected so it should be working.

Did you give it a few minutes to see if it’s just taking time to get a lock? And is the GPS puck outside with a clear view of the sky?

I am using QRP Labs QLG2.

So it started working after I registered some DOA lobs. I expected that position information would show immediately on connection. After a few trials it appears that on my system anyway it refers location data once it gets a hit, and not until then.

Thanks for your efforts on this project. Big Kraken SDR fan.