DOA v1.8 Config Reset feature equals Config "DELETE"?

In DOA v1.8 it seems that the DOA “Config Save” button has been replaced with “Config Reset” and that any Config changes are automatically saved. Auto Save is GREAT :grinning: BUT accidentally hitting “Config Reset” (easy to do when bouncing down the road using a typical Android Tablet) causes you to lose your entire Config with no easy recovery??? NOT SO GREAT :cry:? or am I missing something?
Please keep in mind that mobile DFing is not likely to use a high-resolution monitor, full keyboard and a mouse but an inexpensive tablet, tiny pop-up on-screen keyboard(s) and a finger for a pointer :sunglasses:

Yeah hitting Config Reset will reset the config file back to default values, which is expected.

Hmm maybe it’s better to hide that button inside the System Config box?

That’s a great idea. Any chance we’ll ever have multiple config save and recall, or better yet multiple frequency save and recall?

As in a list of buttons that save preset frequencies? Or perhaps a list box of saved frequencies?

Yes. There are a few frequencies I use for testing and a couple ham repeaters where I switch between the input and output often.