Can a Kraken SDR output to the Android app and Cloud Mapper simultaneously?

I’m looking to set up KrakenSDRs at multiple sites and in a vehicle.
I’m hoping to have all of them connected and outputting data to Cloud Mapper, monitor Cloud Mapper on a laptop, and use the Android app to hone in on a source on interference.

So far I have one static location set up and working within Cloud Mapper. I have another in a vehicle that works with the Android app and shows as ‘Connected’ in Cloud Mapper but shows no DOA results while the Android app does.

Based on another topic I read, I think this should work - am I mistaken?
If not, does anyone have any ideas as to why I cant see DOA results on both the Android app and Cloud Mapper?

Yes the Android output is always active, even if you select Kraken Remote.

In the Kraken WebUI to output to the Cloud mapper you have to have Kraken Remote selected.

In the cloud mapper did you press the “start” button? The lobes won’t show until you’ve clicked that.

Hi Carl,

I do have “Kraken Pro Remote” selected and I am pressing “Start” in the Cloud Mapper GUI.
I’ve tried both selecting only the in-vehicle Kraken, as well as selecting in-vehicle Kraken and the static-location Kraken that it’s grouped with.

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I have the same problem. Have just one stationary unit. Works in the app but nothing shows in the web. Says just “Live Data. VFO frequency NO DOA DATA”

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Anyone knows how to get data into the web service? Going to have a demo this weekend and cannot manage to retrieve any data into cloud mapper. It says its connected. But it does not show any data. It shows data in the IOS app.

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I had the same thing occur.
The Kraken was on and showing as connected in Mapper. I was trying to locate intermittent interference on a specific frequency and, until that interference came through while the Kraken was running, Mapper was showing NO DOA DATA.
When the interference came through, Mapper showed a bearing and approximate location.

You might want to configure your Kraken and antenna array for a local radio station or some other nearby consistent RF source for testing.

It sounds like you guys might not have any signal active? There will be no data provided until there is a signal as otherwise the squelch will be active. Once a signal appears and the squelch opens, data will be provided and you’ll see it in the web mapper along with the VFO frequency.

That sounds like the case for SA5OHR but in my case the Kraken at the static location WAS tracking an active signal, and so was the in-vehicle Kraken on the Android app. My issue was the the in-vehicle Kraken is not showing anything on Mapper (says its connected, ‘Kraken Pro Remote’ selected in WebUI) while it IS showing something on the Android app.

I may have to do some more testing but, from my understanding, if I’m seeing something on the Android app I should also be able to see it on Mapper.

Are there any additional settings I’m missing?

Did you select the group the Kraken is in in the Web Mapper?

Screenshots of the mapper with the Kraken running might be useful.

If it’s still not working, please email with the username email you are using, and I’ll ask the dev of the web mapper software to look into the logs to see if he can find anything.

" It says its connected. But it does not show any data. It shows data in the IOS app."

Yes i had data coming into the app but no data in the cloud service…

Please send the email so we can ask the dev to look into the logs.

SA50HR or @krakenrf_carl What did you guys find out from the logs? I am having the exact same issue, everyting works on the app and I am “online” in the cloud mapper but no data (no lobes ever appear), even when the signal is active. Live Data says, “NO DOA DATA" Yes, I pressed the, “:START” button.

I am out of ideas, please help.

Please email with your account details so we can check the logs too.

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I was able to get the cloud mapper to work. I am not sure if this is the same issue that @SA5OHR had, but here is how I got it to work:

  1. Open Cloud Mapper webpage
  2. Click on the three antenna symbol for the Kraken, to put a blue circle around it
  3. Click on the group name (this step is why it was not working for me)
  4. Click on START

Heat map and lobes will appear on mapper. VFO Frequency: will still say, “NO DOA DATA”. Probably a bug that it does not work.

I was not aware the group name was even click-able, until I stumbled across it by trying to click on everything on the page.

I hope this helps someone else.

Thanks. The first group should always get autoselected by default. If it’s not, then there is a bug. I’ve asked the developer to investigate.

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