2023 Developments + Holidays

Just a note that most of the team is taking a break over the December-Jan period, and developments of new features will resume from Feb/March 2023 onwards, so please don’t be discouraged if you see a very few GitHub pushes over this period.

Forum support will remain active.

We will soon also be hiring a second developer to work on accelerating progress on the web mapper, so please keep an eye out for that announcement if you are looking for part time work.

On Passive Radar, we are still going through the processes to figure out if and/or how we can rerelease this, and at this time there is no news. As soon as we have concrete clarification we will put out a big announcement.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!


Happy Holidays to the entire team, thanks for all your hard work! Enjoy your break.


Are you able to update on the situation with the Passive Radar feature and code?

Sadly, there is no new information to share at this time.

Thank you anyway for the update