How the edges are calculated in the android app

Greetings! I recently created a CSV file using the web GUI page and have visualized it on the Android app. The app displays a circle with signal directions around my RX location, which is similar to a coverage map. While the signal directions (angles) appear to be correct, I’m curious about how the end of each edge is determined. Is the circle’s radius generated at random or is it calculated based on an estimation of the distance from the RX?

Do you mean the edge of the heatmap grid? That’s just determined by your setting in the Android app. The heatmap consists of a grid of cells, and if you increase the heatmap size, those cells will get larger too meaning less precision of the triangulated point.

Or are you referring the to red/green circle? The red/green circle indicates the point at which the bearings are intersecting the most, which should be the location of the transmitter.

Of course if you only collected bearing data from a single location, that red/green circle will be meaningless, because there will be no triangulation possible.

Thank you. I mean the blue edges as shown here (I have something similar to that when I plot a csv from my android app). These edges have a length. Is this length random or indicates the distance too?

Ah you mean the blue DOA bearing lines? Those lines are just the maximal part of the DOA lobe.

The length is meaningless, it’s just how long you want to display it, and there is a setting for that in the settings menu.

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Is there a method to determine whether multiple edges at close proximity (which is common) correspond to the same signal or different signals?

If you’re using multiple VFO’s you can change between signal frequencies using the top button on the right bottom side.

If there’s two signals on a single VFO transmitting very close to one another, then it will be very difficult to tell.

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Thank you for clarifying. To rephrase, I did not intend to differentiate between two signals received simultaneously, but rather to distinguish whether two rows in the CSV file with the same angle of arrival could be the same signal transmitted again after a specific time interval.

AH yes definitely that will be the case. The log will keep logging even if the DOA hasn’t changed.